Zoospot magazine: Cats

Leeftijd van een Kat in Mensenjaren: Hoe Katten Leeftijd Berekenen en Ouderdomsverschijnselen Herkennen
Artem Vinnikov

As we know, the age of a cat and a person does not match: a one-year-old...

Artem Vinnikov

As we know, the age of a cat and a person does not match: a one-year-old...

Hoe je met een kat kunt reizen zonder gek te worden
Artem Vinnikov

I’ll tell you how to understand whether your cat is ready to travel or is it...

Artem Vinnikov

I’ll tell you how to understand whether your cat is ready to travel or is it...

8 kalmerende technieken voor katten in een reismand
Artem Vinnikov

When transporting cats in a cat carrier, both the pet and its owner can experience stress....

Artem Vinnikov

When transporting cats in a cat carrier, both the pet and its owner can experience stress....