Huisdieren importeren naar de Kaaimaneilanden: lijst met verboden hondenrassen


Importing Pets into the Cayman Islands: list of Prohibited Dog Breeds

You can read all the information you need to bring pets into the Cayman Islands in this post. It enumerates the laws and restrictions that are in effect right now and offers insider advice on how to streamline the pet transportation procedure. Please take note of their list of prohibitions on importing certain dog breeds and on importing pets from a variety of nations.

Rules governing pet travel

Animal importation into Cayman is a drawn-out process, but it's simple if you understand the timelines. Planning must begin at least six months before shipment. The Department of Agriculture must grant an import permit for any dog or cat that enters the Cayman Islands.

They can be contacted by phone at (345) 947 3090, by fax at (345) 947 6501, or by email at for application forms. Get in touch with them as soon as you decide to import your pet, and request that they send you the application. You should do this as quickly as possible.

The following are the prerequisites for importation from the US, Canada, and other nations where rabies is endemic, in order to obtain this import authorization. Less rigorous and faster standards apply to nations that have eradicated rabies.

Before receiving the rabies vaccination, your pet ought to have had a microchip fitted, provided that type is allowed. It will need to be administered again if the immunization was administered prior to the chip being implanted.

The animal must receive a rabies vaccination using an authorized inactivated vaccine.

Next, a blood test for your pet is required, and the results must indicate a serum antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/ml. The Cayman Islands will permit your pet entry six months from the date on which the blood sample yielded a positive test result.

The Kansas State University Rabies Laboratory is the US address where blood must be submitted in order to complete the titres:

Kansas State University

2005 Research Park Circle

Manhattan, KS 66502

tel. 785-532-4483

fax 785-532-4474


Your veterinarian can help you with the address in non-US nations. For further information, please get in touch with the Department of Agriculture.)

A few weeks prior to their trip, UK citizens must apply for an Official Health Certificate—an application form that can be used for numerous pets—from DEFRA (the Ministry of Agriculture) in their hometown. This is going straight to your veterinarian. Note that this is exclusive to the United Kingdom.


You must obtain an official health certificate completed by a certified veterinarian and treat your pet for ticks and tapeworms using an approved product no later than 14 days before you go. This needs to be noted on the certificate of health. After that, this certificate must be endorsed by a government veterinarian in the nation of origin (USDA, CFIA, DEFRA, etc.). Find the closest one by making a call or visiting the website.

After that, you have to fax the Department of Agriculture the Official Health Certificate, the filled-out application, and a copy of the rabies lab report. An import certificate will be faxed back to you by them. The application fee is for each animal and can be paid to the Cayman Islands Government with an international money order or bank draft.

Since the mail can take several weeks to reach the Cayman Islands and they won't issue an import certificate without it, it's a good idea to send this amount before you even have the veterinarian perform the 14-day inspection. The certificate of health is good for 14 days.

Note: The Cayman Islands government will not make any allowances in order to prevent the spread of the dangerous zoonotic disease rabies. Any unlawfully imported animals may be destroyed or returned to their country of origin if all standards are not met.

Never undervalue the significance of strictly adhering to the Department of Agriculture's import regulations. It is advisable to inquire about any latest modifications as the requirements may vary from time to time.



It is forbidden to import dogs or cats from the following countries:

Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic.


List of Dog Breeds Prohibited for Import into the Cayman Islands

The following dog breeds and mixes are not allowed to enter the Cayman Islands:


  • Mallanois,
  • Rottweiller,
  • Japanese Tosa,
  • Dogo Argebtino,
  • Fila Brazileiro,
  • Chinese Shar-Pei,
  • Pit Bull Terrier,
  • Japanese Akita,
  • Staffordshire,
  • Mastiff (There are some exceptions, including Old English mastiff and pug).


All of the aforementioned canines that are currently on the Cayman Islands are required by the Cayman Islands Dangerous canines Law to be microchipped, rabies-vaccinated, spayed or neutered, registered with the Department of Agriculture, and have liability insurance up to CI$100,000.


Additional Details

In the United Kingdom, the PETS Helpline provides more information. The website quarantine/index.htm is their new address; click on the site map, followed by the fact sheets.


Tel: +44 (0) 870 241 1710


Additional Thoughts

Both dogs and cats can contract the fatal heartworm illness, which is spread by mosquitoes in Cayman. If monthly treatment is not received, your pet is likely to get heartworm disease.

Every dog and cat on the island is likely to get a flea and tick infestation at some point in their lives if they don't take preventive medicine. Ticks and fleas multiply quickly in warm weather. Your veterinarian can provide you with frontline medication.

Serious illnesses that affect cats include feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLV). These viruses are highly prevalent among the stray population and are transmitted infectiously from cat to cat. There are vaccines available to reduce the risk of certain diseases in your cat.

Dogs are very susceptible to contracting infectious viruses such as parvovirus, hepatitis, and leptospirosis. These viruses are all prevalent in dogs who have not received their vaccinations.

Although there is no rabies in the Cayman Islands, you can ensure that your pet has a current rabies vaccination by visiting the Department of Agriculture.

Every family should have an emergency preparedness plan that includes their pets since hurricanes are a real threat. Animals are not permitted in hurricane shelters on the Islands. To make sure your pet can safely leave the island and return, familiarize yourself with the import and export procedures.

(Taken from, the website of Resident magazine.)

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